Welcome to N. Evans and Associates Inc.

About N. Evans and Associates Inc.: N. Evans and Associates Inc. is company that has been formed in collaboration with Neil Evans, the recognized person who developed and perfected the XyloX™ Intellectual Property over a number of years. Neil Evans has been acknowledged in numerous technical publications and is recognized in the Library of Congress in the USA for his accomplishments with respect to utilizing recycled rubber and plastic to produce thermal plastic elastomers (TPE) pellets to be used for injection moulding of parts. The principles in N. Evans & Associates, have worked closely with Neil to fully understand the raw material requirements, material handling and equipment control required in the process and the setting up of the extruders to maintain product quality while maximizing plant productivity.

XyloX™ Technology: Is a revolutionary form of thermoplastic elastomer that is made from 100% recycled products, reprocessed tire rubber and recycled post-industrial and post-consumer plastic.  The proprietary compounding process uses fine crumb rubber and recycled plastic to create a molecular bond of the polymer chains. This is accomplished without the use of additional bonding agents providing a consistent and repeatable material. 

Value Proposition: The value proposition for XyloX™ is multifaceted.  From a “green” perspective, it is manufactured from 100% recycled material.  Moulded products manufactured from XyloX™ and moulding scrap are also 100% recyclable, reducing landfill requirements for used tires, post industrial and post consumer plastic and injection moulded products made from traditional TPE.  

Parts moulded using the XyloX™ resin can be produced at lower temperatures than conventional TPE. This reduces energy costs, results in faster cycle times in removing moulds and results less wear and tear on the molds in comparison to (TPE) manufactured from virgin materials.

Independent Product testing: Test runs have been performed at various compounders and injection moulders using XyloX™ resin pellets, and various manufacturers of extrusion and injection molded products in the appliance, automotive, and recreational industry. XyloX™ was used in place of the commonly used virgin resins in the production of specific finished products. The product has been tested in various accredited laboratories in Canada and the US that have confirmed that the process has very unique properties when compared to traditional virgin TPE.




Environmental responsibility: Perhaps one of the most overused, and redundant, terms in use today is “Green”.  With overwhelmingly growing public awareness and strong concerns regarding the environment, almost everything from solar panels to toilet paper are being marketed as Green. Unfortunately, producing and marketing a Green product does not necessarily translate into being environmentally responsible.  To accept the responsibility and make a true commitment to the environment, one must look at the entire life cycle of the product, from how the raw material was produced to the effects of the disposal of the finished product after it has served its useful life.  This is referred to in the industry as “Closing the Loop”.


The images below are samples of Automotive, recreational, construction and packaging products produced from XyloX (TPE)


Developing New Resins Without Considering the Environment is not Environmentally Responsible!

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